This document includes updated information for the documentation provided with MFC Migration Kit (Version 1.0). Please refer to the MFC Migration Guide for more information. ============================================================================ Dear Developer, Thank you for your interest in the Microsoft(R) Foundation Class library (MFC). This beta version of the MFC Migration Kit will help you migrate your C-based code to MFC thereby enabling you to reap the benefits of MFC. MFC is a proven framework that has helped many developers stay at the leading edge of Windows development by giving them timely support and easy access to the evolving Windows API. With MFC, you no longer have to worry about maintaining your Windows code-base to stay compatible with the evolving Windows platforms. Microsoft maintains your code for you by enhancing MFC as Windows evolves. By delivering on the promise to give you version to version compatibility, MFC has proven to be a safe investment for the future. And that's not all! Now with MFC version 3.0, included in the new Visual C++, version 2.0, your application is only one compile away from being portable to other platforms. That's right. You can leverage one single set of MFC-based source code not only for Windows(TM), Windows NT (TM) and Windows 95(TM) (code-named Chicago), but also to target multiple platforms, including Intel(R)-based systems, RISC machines (such as MIPS(R) R4000(TM) and DEC(TM) Alpha AXP(TM)) and the Apple Macintosh. This MFC Migration Kit (Version 1.0), including the MIGRATE tool and the MFC Migration Guide (on-line), has been designed to assist you through the conversion process. The tool will guide you through 3 conversion phases at the end of which you will have a clear, leading edge, C++ and MFC-based application. You can use the Migration Guide to understand the issues involved in migrating. The Migration Guide is available in on-line format and is accessible via the on-line help that is integrated with the MIGRATE tool. Migrate to MFC now and bring your application to the level of versatility and portability that today's leading edge applications must have. For this beta version of the MFC Migration Kit we really value your feedback to help us release a solid, complete tool-set to help programmers migrate to MFC. Please post any questions, bugs, or design suggestions on CompuServe, "MSMFC" forum, "Migration Issues" section. Sincerely, Enzo Schiano Product Manager, MFC ============================================================================ Contents: README.TXT This file MIGRATE.HLP MFC Migration Guide MIGRATE.EXE MFC Migration Tool MIGRAT32.EXE MFC Migration Tool (Win32 MFC3 version) C_MFC.PT Migration Database for C -> MFC migration C16_C32.PT Migration Database for Win16 -> Win32 migration SAMPLES\WIN16\SHOWDIB Win16 Before Migration (app is called SHOWDIB) SAMPLES\WIN16\SHOWD Win16 After Migration (app is called SHOWD6) SAMPLES\WIN32\SHOWDIB Win32 Before Migration (app is called SHOWDIB) SAMPLES\WIN32\SHOWD Win32 After Migration (app is called SHOWD) ============================================================================ Errata for MFC Migration Guide: The section "Replacing Your Use of cbWndExtra and cbClsExtra" (p. 53 in the printed book) in Phase 2 should instead be part of Phase 1 and appear after the section "Handling Messages Not Sent to the View" (p. 43 inprint). The MFC Migration tool flags occurrences of these variables during Phase 1. In the section "Phase 3: Integrate Further with MFC" (p. 53-54 in print), delete the last bullet item before the section "Make GDI Calls the MFC Way." This item reads "Replace the use of cbWndExtra and cbClsExtra with class member variables." The section referred to belongs in Phase 1. ============================================================================ IMPORTANT NOTE FOR LARGE SOURCE FILES The 16-bit version of the MFC Migration Tool is limited to source files less than 64K in size. In addition you may experience problems using the tool to edit files greater than 32K in size as well. These are limitations of the Windows edit control (under 16-bits). If you are migrating a large project with many files over 32K in size, we strong recommend running the 32-bit version of the tool (MIGRAT32) running under Window NT. This will let you edit files greater than 64K in size. ============================================================================ Installing the Migration Kit from a hard disk: If you wish to setup the MFC Migration Kit from a hard drive or a network location, there is one caveat. The setup program must be run from a directory with the name "DISK1". For example: COPY A:*.* C:\COOLSTUF\DISK1 Then run SETUP.EXE from C:\COOLSTUF\DISK1 ============================================================================